5 Essential Items to Bring on your Summer Road Trip!

It's summertime and that means... time to get out of your apartment and explore!
Road trips are the ultimate summer activity and Park Property Management wants to help you make the best of yours! Before you head out on the open road, don't forget...
Your Summer 2017 Playlist
Long car rides and music go hand-in-hand! Create a playlist that has a good mix of top 40 hits, retro classics and throw in a couple key sing-along songs to blast! If you're a premium member of one of the more well-known music streaming apps, don't forget to download your playlists before you leave so you're not using up unnecessary data.
Insta-worthy Headwear
Road trips are awesome opportunities for your summer bucket list's social pics! Driving with the windows down is half the fun, but if you have long hair, watch out for windswept strands and matted knots. Hide your hot mess tresses under a floppy hat, straw fedora or a baseball cap and you'll be camera-ready in no time!
It's important to stay hydrated in the summer heat and if you're driving in rural territory, there might not be many stops to quench your thirst. Pack a cooler filled with baggies of frozen sliced fruit, a bag of ice and a jug or two of water. Bring a large water bottle and refill as necessary. You might have to make more pit-stops along the way, but remember the journey is just as important as the destination!
Even if you're not going somewhere where you'll be swimming, pack a bathing suit anyway! Ontario has plenty of lakes and coastline with sandy beaches. If you've been sitting in a hot car or travelling for hours on end, stop at a beach to stretch your legs and get some swim and sand time in! Impromptu stops can end up being lasting memories and might make a long trip feel shorter.
Sun Protection
Driving in a car with the sunroof and windows open means you're still catching rays. Liberally apply at least 30SPF sunscreen before hitting the road and bring ample along with you. Invest in a good pair of sunglasses - ones that protect against harmful UVA and UVB rays, and make you look good!
Ready for a road trip but not sure where to go?
Check out these great Southern Ontario destinations.