Back to School: Online or in Class

This year school will look and feel much different than previous years, but at its core kids will still be learning and following routines like every other year.
After nearly six months of being home, there is a lot we can do to help our kids get ready to learn in school again.
No matter how your child will be learning this September, reestablishing a routine is an important step. Gradually reduce their bedtime to what works for school nights. Practice your morning routine as a family to help reduce the stress of the beginning of the day.
If your child is attending school in person, remind them of proper hand washing routines and encourage them to practice often at home to build up the habit. Also ensure that your child can open everything they will need at school, from backpacks to containers at lunch. Remind them not eat or drink without clean hands, and add a small bottle of sanitizer to their lunch bags.
If your child will have to wear a mask at school, get them used to wearing one by having them do so around the house. Send your child to school with a spare mask and a bag to bring the used mask home. Remember to label everything your child takes to school, including their masks.
Whether at school or at home, help kids become more self-sufficient by teaching them to do more on their own. Introduce breakfasts that kids can get ready themselves to speed up the morning routine. Encourage them to use a computer, and help them learn basic computer skills before they begin online learning.
Whatever your family's school year looks like; we are all in this together. Let's have a safe and happy return to learning.