How to make your holiday season meaningful this year

December 14, 2022
Author: Park Property Management
As the classic lyrics sing, “It’s the most wonderful time of the year!”. We often spend all year waiting forthe holidays. There is something so enchanting about watching our neighborhoods light up, preparing thoughtful gifts for our loved ones, or watching the first few snowfalls create a winter wonderland around us.
We also know how important it can be for some to make the most out of the holiday season - so we compiled a list of 4 things you can do to make this holiday season your most meaningful yet.
1) Release your expectations!
One of the worst feelings is expecting things to go one way, and then watching them go another. Whether a snow-storm makes your commute a nightmare or a loved one can’t make it to your gathering, small hiccups can all feel like one major disappointment. So, one of the best ways to foster meaning (before we get into the others) is to cut yourself some slack and try to take the holidays day by day! Things may not always go as planned, but accepting the ups and downs of the season will help you get through it with minimal stress (and some funny stories)!
2) Create some new traditions
We all have them, no matter what they look like. Whether it’s the team effort that goes into decorating your Christmas tree or lighting the Menorah for Hanukkah, the holiday season is often one of the best excuses to participate in the traditions you hold dearest to you. But why stop there? This can also be a great time of the year to create your own traditions, alone or with loved ones. Take yourself to a spa the first full day you have off for the season. Make Christmas Eve board-game night. Make New Year's Eve a movie night. Whatever these traditions might look like, creating them can be a great way to make this season all that bit more meaningful.
3) Donate to a cause that’s close to your heart
The holiday season will look different for everyone, and some of the most meaningful ways we can make a difference for it is by donating (or raising awareness) about a cause that is close to our hearts. There are many specific to each city, including food banks, clothing drives, and fundraisers for animal rights, but some specific examples can be donating to:
4) Gather around loved ones
Shared meals, small get-togethers, and going out with your loved ones during the holidays can help create some amazing (and meaningful) memories throughout the season. Celebrate with friends, family, and found family. Whoever you choose, create some of those aforementioned traditions, host a party, show up to one with your favorite bottle of wine, or go out to celebrate with the people who’ve made your year feel special. With them, you can help make each day this season feel even more special than the last.