Prepare for the End of the School Year

As the weather warms up, the enthusiasm for school cools down. Park Property Management has some simple tips to help keep your kids on-track, to the end of the school year.
Keep your routine: The longer days make it difficult to get children to bed, especially if the sun is still shining! However, it is important to keep the same bedtime and nightly routine, even in the nice weather. Buy blackout blinds if needed, to make your children's rooms dark enough for sleep.
Get creative: Parents can get creative and change up homework time when the weather steals focus. Setup a homework area outdoors, so your kids can enjoy the weather and get their homework done at the same time. Also try giving the kids a 20-30 minute 'play' break after school rather than making them focus on homework right away.
Meet with the Teacher: It's never too late to speak with your child's teacher about their progress and achievements. This time of the year, teachers are gathering grades for report cards and finding where they need to focus attention for extra learning. Taking time to speak with the teacher will help you keep your child on track, for their end of the year goals.
Plan out Teacher gifts: The end of the school year is usually marked by students giving their teacher a gift of appreciation. What parents need to remember is teachers just want to be thanked. Have your child hand-write a thank you letter (share memories of the school year too) and if you still want to do more, include a small gift card.
Summer Planning:
- Start researching day camps, programs, or childcare providers for the summer break now to be sure you can secure a spot for your child.
- Assist your teenager in looking for a part-time summer job. Help them create a resume and cover letter and work with them to decide which businesses they can apply to.
- Visit your local library to see what summer programs you can sign your children up for. Libraries usually have great programs geared for children's education and entertainment.
Overall, it's important to not slip into the summer attitude too soon. Once the final school bell rings, kids and parents can relax!
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