Skip the New Years Resolutions

New Year's Resolutions ~ Give yourself a break this year and skip the tradition!
Park Property Management has some great alternatives to making a New Year's Resolution.
Start the new year off positively by focusing on your accomplishments. Make a list of things you love about yourself, acknowledge your great qualities, and be proud of your achievements. Did you make it through a rough year and still find reasons to smile? Did you achieve a goal or get a promotion at work? Celebrate by focusing on your positive moments, happy memories, and great accomplishments from 2017.
Make up a list of things to look forward to throughout year and post it where you will see it every day. Include things like a family vacation, a concert, a new book from your favourite author, or a movie coming out in 2018 that you can't wait to see.
Make 2018 great by focusing on just one word all year. Pick a word that describes how you want to feel. If you want 2018 to be happier, choose a word like Thoughtful, Serenity, Joy, Fun, or Excitement. For change, choose Flourish, Simplify, Action, or Helpful.
To steer your life in a different direction, make some small changes. Instead of vowing to quit smoking or lose weight, try the Do More, Do Less approach. Walk more, Smoke less is a great example. You are gaining two habits with minimal effort. This is not a goal to quit smoking, nor is it a goal to exercise. It's a simple choice to do less of something not good for you and more of something that is. The theme is up to you. Other examples include: Laugh more, Complain less; Play more, Work less; Read more, Watch less.
Take on a 365-day project by choosing one activity to do every day for 365 days. For the challenge to work, record your daily entries in a diary, on social media, or in a scrapbook. If your choice is to be more thankful, then make your goal to find something to be thankful for each day. Or if photography interests you, take a new photo each day to help build your portfolio.