So, you're taking the leap! Tips for couples moving in together.

August 18, 2017
Author: Park Property Management
Tags: lifestyle, apartment living, tips, tenants, moving
Moving in with your partner is an exciting time, but it's also a big adjustment.
Here at Park Property Management, we have a few tips that can help smooth out the bumps in the road!
If you've decided to keep one apartment and combine your belongings, keep these tips in mind:
Remember that "my" apartment is now "our" apartment.
Redecorating is key so that the home feels like it represents both of you, instead of one person. The easiest & most cost-effective way to redecorate is to simply move existing furniture around for a fresh look and add items from the new person's belongings. For the person who originally rented the apartment- keep in mind your partner is not a guest in your home, they live there too!
Talk to your landlord.
Notify your landlord of your decision and add your partner's name to the lease - this is a required step for any new permanent residents. You will need the landlord to provide an additional key or secure entry tag/code and you may need to arrange for a second parking space. For the move-in day, have the landlord schedule an elevator for you, if necessary.
Let go of your habits.
Just because you always stack the dishes a certain way to dry, doesn't mean your partner can't stack them another way. Living with another person requires patience, compromise and communication. Each person will bring different ways of living into the home - a great way to make your connection stronger is to talk about and agree on the new way you'd like to do things in the home, together.
Purge your belongings.
Just because you aren't moving, doesn't mean your stuff shouldn't! Decide together what each of you will keep and what you don't have room for anymore. If you don't feel comfortable getting rid of items only because of spacing or storage issues, consider renting a storage space in your building if available, or a small unit in a storage facility for any access furniture or personal items.
Discuss visitors.
Talk to your partner about drop-in and planned guests. How much is too much and how late is too late? Establish a few ground rules regarding visitors to avoid any awkwardness.
When you both decide to move into a new place, finding an apartment together can be fun! Try to keep these tips in mind while apartment hunting:
Plan before you shop.
Take stock of your belongings and decide what each of you will be contributing to the new apartment. Determine together what location is best and how far out of that preferred zone you are willing to look. Discuss your budget ahead of time and the absolute 'must-haves' and deal-breakers before you visit any apartment options.
Unpack together.
This is the tedious, un-fun part of moving, but it doesn't have to be so bad. Order a pizza, throw on some pumped up tunes and work together in sprints. Take a break after each hour of continuous work, or choose a reward for yourselves, for motivation! For example, 2 hours of unpacking = 1 coffee break at the nearby cafe; 3 hours = 1 coffee break & a netflix show, etc. After a full day of unpacking, go out for dinner and see a movie!
Give 'em space.
Everyone needs space and some quality alone time. Living together doesn't mean spending every second together or in each other's space. Planning separate social outings regularly will strengthen your relationship and help each of you adjust to living together.
Split the bills equally.
Sharing the financial responsibility doesn't mean splitting the bills down the middle. Work out together what is fair based on each of your incomes.
If you're a couple looking for a new apartment together, check out our available listings throughout Southwestern Ontario and the GTA! Happy Un-packing!