Winter Moving Tips

Moving day doesn't usually get postponed. Whether rain, shine, snow or slush, the move must go on!
If you have a winter move coming up and you're looking for some ideas on how to survive the weather, Park Property Management is here to help!
Winter weather provides a few challenges for moving day. One obvious problem is the freezing temperatures. Remember to take several coffee and hot chocolate breaks for your moving buddies and keep children in a warm area until the move is complete.
When packing items for a winter move, double wrap all your breakables and protect large items with blankets. The cold weather and the fluctuations in temperatures can shatter your breakables. Plastic totes can also break in the frigid temperatures, so make sure they don't get dropped outside. Let all breakables and plastic totes warm to room temperature before unpacking.
Winter weather can make it difficult to spot street signs and driveways, so make sure anyone helping knows the route well. Clear all snow and ice from the driveway and walkways of your current place and salt the paths. Keep shovels and salt handy in case you need to clear the way again. Drive the route to your new apartment to check road safety and make sure you have a clear salted path into the apartment building.
Keep the mess to a minimum by having indoor and outdoor movers. This way the muck and slush from outside won't get tracked into your new apartment building and suite. If you don't have enough people helping to facilitate this, use tarps, cardboard, and plastic runners to protect the floors of your new apartment and keep old towels at the door to dry off items coming in. Make sure you have plenty of old rugs or towels for movers to wipe their feet on in the lobby of your new apartment building.
Above all, take it slow and be prepared for your move to take longer than expected. We have plenty of apartments available and our staff are happy to answer any questions you have about your winter move.