No-Heat Summer Baking

August 21, 2018
Author: Park Property Management
Tags: tips, things to do, apartment living, summer guide
Summer is filled with amazing flavours from apricots and berries to peaches and watermelon.
But no one wants to heat up their apartment to enjoy some of summer's best flavours. Park Property Management offers some no-bake summer recipes that incorporate your summer harvest without overheating your apartment.
Cakes, Pies, and Squares
This Strawberry Icebox Cake uses graham crackers softened by cream and strawberries. It takes about 15 minutes to mix up the cream and sugar and layer the cake. Pop it in the fridge for 4 hours then serve chilled.
Cheese Cake is easy to make without using the oven. This Chocolate Cheesecake uses chocolate graham cracker crumbs in place of a pie crust. See how easy it is to make with this video!
To make a pie without using the oven, use a cookie crumb crust. Then whip up a peanut butter or chocolate mousse for filling. Peanut Butter Pie and Chocolate Mousse Pie are our personal favourites!
Peach Yum Yum Squares use one of the summer's most delicious fruits! This light dessert is fun to make and so good, you'll want to make it all year long!
Ice Cream
Ice cream is a summer staple, and it's easy to make at home! Frozen bananas are the secret to making delicious ice-cream anytime. Peel and cut ripe bananas, then freeze them in an airtight container or bag. Leaving them to freeze overnight will yield the best results. When frozen solid, place pieces in the blender and blend until it reaches an ice-cream texture.
Try making different flavours by adding chocolate chips, peanut butter, honey, or even strawberries. Get even more creative by sandwiching your fresh ice cream between soft baked cookies, brownies, waffles, or crispy rice squares!
Puddings and Mousse
Summer Pudding is the perfect way to use your summer berry harvest. This easy layered recipe needs to chill overnight, but creates a delicious dessert that will impress any foodie!
A light Mocha Mousse will satisfy your sweet tooth, and it's simple to make. Or, if you have some fresh raspberries, try this delicious Raspberry Mousse.
If you have children, these simple no-bake treats are perfect for helping hands. Invite your kids to bake with you and start a summertime tradition.