Tips for Cooking Large Meals in Your Apartment Kitchen

Everyone knows cooking can get messy and end up taking up way more space than you anticipated.
We've got some useful tips that will help you cook a large meal in your apartment without any added stress!
Plan the menu
When cooking a large meal, consider making dishes that require different methods of cooking and a few that can be cooked together. Use your stovetop, oven, slow-cooker, steamer, and microwave to spread out the cooking so everything will be ready and hot at the same time.
Prep, prep, prep
It doesn't matter what size your kitchen is, cooking takes a lot of space and a lot of effort. Doing all the prep work the day before, or morning of, will help minimize the amount of space you'll need once you start cooking. Make sure to store your prepped foods properly so that nothing will spoil before you're ready to cook.
Get Creative
If your apartment kitchen has limited counter space, you'll have to get creative to "make" more. Invest in a large cutting board that will cover your sink or half of your stovetop and add to your surface space. Also, a rolling cart will add more space when you need it and can be stored out of the kitchen when you don't. Slow cookers only need an electrical outlet, so you can plug them in in a different room to save counter space. In a pinch, your ironing board can provide a great place to store hot pots, pans, and baking sheets.
Clean as you go
Nothing takes up space more than dirty dishes! Even if your apartment has a dishwasher, cleaning up as you go will minimize the mess. Clean pots and pans as you're done using them, and save the space in your dishwasher for the dinner plates and serving dishes.
Don't be afraid to accept help
Avoid getting stressed out and consider purchasing a few small dishes already made to reduce the amount you'll need to cook. Buying something pre-made doesn't diminish your meal, but it will diminish your stress! If a dinner guest is offering to help, take them up on it and ask them to bring dessert.
Looking for a better kitchen? Check out our listings today!